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Greek government to consider new legislation on gambling

December 20, 2017
1 min

The Greek Ministry of Finance pledges to fundamental changes: the country is looking forward to the liberalization of the local gambling market. The first step towards achieving that goal was the bill to revise the control over gambling activity.

The new legislation allows opening of new gambling houses in Greek tourist spots and the issuance of gambling licenses to the three most popular regions: Crete, Santorini and Myconos. In addition, six active casinos are planned for relocation. These include the famous Regency Casino Mont Parnes in Athens.

The tax parts would also be changed to the following: the government is considering a fixed-rate proposal for the casino. To recap, today the obligatory tax varies from 22 to 35 per cent.

Before Christmas, the Greek parliament will vote on the bill that is expected to enter into force on 1 January 2020.

It has been reported earlier that innovations in gambling legislation are also planned in the Netherlands, so that international operators will be able to legally operate within this market too.

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