- [Gaming Activity]
New parameters: Deposit Sum, Withdrawal Sum, In-Out, Hold - were added in the By currency part of the report. Tips with description of columns values and formulas have also been implemented
New parameters: Deposit Sum, Withdrawal Sum, In-Out, Hold - were added in the By currency part of the report. Tips with description of columns values and formulas have also been implemented
It is now possible to track cashier transactions and users who confirmed player's transactions in the ground-based casinos using newly added columns in the Payment transactions section
The manual payment system for users with the Cashier role was integrated on the platform for operations in the ground-based casinos
Automatic withdrawals were implemented on the platform. Now users with certain permissions can manage the auto-withdrawal settings and authorized players may withdraw the funds without any assist from the casino administrators
Players can now be re-directed to the game from the Telegram-bot; demo and real games are available
Game search was optimized in the Telegram-bot, now players can search for games by game groups, providers, game names or within the whole list of games
Registration and authorization forms were integrated in the Telegram-bot
he duplicate players calculation algorithm was optimized and now the whole calculation process takes around 5 seconds
Users can now create and edit tournaments on the platform
All tables were standardized and now have the same common functions: ability to print the content, equal calendar in all tables etc.
The following player activity events are now shared with the Affiliate providers so that they could receive their rewards:
Users can now manage the module settings according to the jurisdictions of definite territories (Malta, Curaçao) or custom requirements
The Not given incomes log and Lastbetlog were integrated on the platform to track and prevent fraudulent actions in the casino Bonus system
New presets have been implemented on the platform: